- To flog a dead horse.
- <03> Стегать мертвую лошадь (т. е. заниматься явно бесполезным делом). Ср. Голую овцу стричь. Мертвого лечить.
Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом. Академик.ру. 2011.
Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом. Академик.ру. 2011.
flog a dead horse — ► flog a dead horse waste energy on a lost cause or unalterable situation. Main Entry: ↑flog … English terms dictionary
flog a dead horse — phrasal : to attempt to revive interest in a worn out or forgotten subject * * * flog a dead horse (informal) To waste time and energy on a lost or impossible cause • • • Main Entry: ↑flog flog a dead horse To try to work up excitement about a… … Useful english dictionary
flog a dead horse — See beat a dead horse … English idioms
flog a dead horse — To say that someone is flogging a dead horse means that they are wasting time and effort trying to do or achieve something that is not possible. Mark is flogging a dead horse trying to get his money reimbursed. The company has gone… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
flog a dead horse — British, American & Australian, American to waste time trying to do something that will not succeed. You re flogging a dead horse trying to persuade Simon to come to Spain with us he hates going abroad. (usually in continuous tenses) Do you think … New idioms dictionary
flog a dead horse — verb a) To attempt to get extra work out of a ships crew during the dead horse period. b) To attempt to get more out of something that cannot give more … Wiktionary
beat/flog a dead horse — To say that someone is beating a dead horse means that they are wasting time and effort trying to do or achieve something that is impossible. Mark is beating a dead horse trying to get his money reimbursed. The company has gone… … English Idioms & idiomatic expressions
flog a dead horse — Brit. waste energy on a lost cause or unalterable situation. → flog … English new terms dictionary
dead horse — I. /dɛd ˈhɔs/ (say ded haws) noun Colloquial tomato sauce. {rhyming slang} II. /dɛd ˈhɔs/ (say ded haws) Colloquial –noun 1. a debt. –phrase 2. flog a dead horse, to make useless efforts, as in attempting to raise interest in an issue …
dead horse — noun Date: 1830 an exhausted or profitless topic or issue usually used in the phrases beat a dead horse and flog a dead horse … New Collegiate Dictionary
dead horse — 1. something that has ceased to be useful or relevant. 2. beat or flog a dead horse, to persist in pursuing or trying to revive interest in a project or subject that has lost its usefulness or relevance. [1820 30, Amer.] * * * … Universalium